IBM iSeries AS/400 Data Integration and Synchronization


IBM i (AS/400, iSeries) data can be integrated and synchronized codeless with various other data sources, on-premise or in the cloud, using the Layer2 Cloud Connector. Please take a look here for supported systems and applications.​​​​​


IBM AS/400 Cloud Data Integration


To connect to IBM System i (also known as AS/400, iSeries, etc.), the data source entity must be configured as follows in the Layer2 Cloud Connector Connection Manager:


IBM integration connection sample


Fig.: IBM System i sample connection in Layer2 Cloud Connector.

IBM System i AS/400 Specific Configuration Settings


  • Select the OLEDB Data Provider to connect (already installed). To connect to the AS/400, you need the IBM driver installed. IBMDA400 is the OLEDB Driver provided by IBM System i Access for Windows. You can download it here: [Currently not available. Please contact the IBM support]
  • This is not a free download, but licensed with AS/400 software. You can just download the service pack on website. Use the 32-bit driver for the 32-bit Cloud Connector and the 64-bit driver for 64-bit Cloud Connector.
  • You can use a connection string like this to connect:
    Provider=IBMDA400; Data Source=; User Id=myUser; Password=myPassword
  • Please adapt the IP address (or use a system name as given in OperationsNavigator), User ID and Password.
  • There are extra options available: DataCompression=True; Default Collection=MyCollection (to be taken from iSeries Navigator).
  • For more options, take a look into the provider documentation at IBM.
  • You can make use of SQL to query your data as supported by the data provider.
  • Alternatively you can make use of ODBC to connect. Create your connection in the Windows ODBC Manager as a System DSN with the name myDSN. Select ODBC Data Provider. Enter DSN=MyDSN as connection string.
  • Primary keys should be automatically set, if they exist. However for iSeries, it is better to specify them in the data entity.
  • You can use for uni- or bi-directional synchronization.
  • No installation or changes are required at the IBM AS/400 or iSeries data source.

Known Issues and Workarounds with AS/400 Integration


There are following known issues and workarounds with AS/400 integration:


  • There is a Microsoft-offered OLEDB data provider for AS/400, however this appears to have issues with writing to AS/400 databases. It treats all columns as read-only, even if they have been configured correctly. It is advised that you use the iSeries Access drivers from IBM instead.
  • If you have issues with the iSeries OLEDB provider, then try the ODBC version as that tends to work better with the Cloud Connector.

Step-by-Step Intros For AS/400 Integration Scenarios


​​You can integrate and sync with various sources listed here. More information about specific scenarios:


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