ServiceNow IntegratION

ServiceNow data can be integrated and synchronized codeless with various external systems, on premises or in the cloud, using the Layer2 Cloud Connector Enterprise Edition.
Learn on this page how the data integration of ServiceNow and SharePoint is working with the Layer2 Cloud Connector Enterprise Edition by using the step-by-step screenshot tutorial and reading our important advice and frequently asked questions. Make use of the benefits and features of this data integration tool by trying it out yourself: Free Trial Registration


ServiceNow Integration how it works


In fact, you only need to do the 5 following steps to get your ServiceNow data integration started.




  • Setup your connection as required: one-way or two-way.
  • Setup your data source, in this case ServiceNow.
  • Setup your target – for example a Microsoft SharePoint list or library.
  • Setup your mapping Check your configurations.
  • Start your project!

ServiceNow step-by-step data integration via the Layer2 Cloud Connector


Use this step-by-step-introduction to get through the whole product and data integration configuration easily. Some steps require a copy-paste task of code snippets. Please follow the recommendations in this instruction closely.

Before you can proceed with the configuration, please be aware that you need to generate a ClientID and ClientSecret for your ServiceNow Application. Therefore, you have to go to your instance and note the name.


Connection setup ServiceNow integration in the Layer2 Cloud Connector
Source setup for ServiceNow integration the Layer2 Cloud Connector
Connection String setup for ServiceNow integration in the Layer2 Cloud Connector
Target setup for ServiceNow integration in the Layer2 Cloud Connector
Mapping for ServiceNow integration via Layer2 Cloud Connector
Run the ServiceNow integration via Layer2 Cloud Connector
Preview data in the Layer2 Cloud Connector for ServiceNow integration
Ready ServiceNow data for SharePoint integration
Data integration of ServiceNow finished

Specific connection settings for your ServiceNow integration


Please copy and paste this connection string and Select Statement into the designated field like described in Step 2.5 of the step-by-introduction above.





Please enter the following SQL query into the "Select Statement" as well and adjust the placeholder.



SELECT TOP 5 * FROM system_user


Don't forget to set the password!


You can get all available tables with:  


SELECT * FROM sys_tables;


You can get all available views with:  

SELECT * FROM sys_views;


Large selection of systems

Benefit from a large and continuously growing list of supported IT Systems and Apps.

Multiple possibilities

Sync your Gmail data one-way locally or cloud-based and use it for migration, backup, or permanent synchronization projects.

High security

There is no access to your corporate data from the internet and no data transfer will occur to 3rd-parties. Logging and alerting are controlled centrally. You have the full control.

Flexible, high-end features

Select your datasets or files using varios codes, enable/disable specific operations, and manage sync options. Use the dynamic columns for detailed configurations and if you want to, extend the features of the product by using C#.

Many data provider included

Use our own customized providers for SharePoint / Office 365, OData, File System, XML, RSS, Exchange, SOAP, Azure, and more. Besides, many vendor-specific or 3rd party ADO.NET data providers are supported as well.

Cost-effective licensing

3 fully-featured product licenses are available: Personal (for one conncetion only), Standard, and Enterprise as our one-stop-shop solution. 

Known Issues and Workarounds with ServiceNow integration


  • There are other providers that can connect to ServiceNow, but we have only tested the one noted above. If you run into issues with trying to use a different vendor's provider with the Layer2 Cloud Connector, please contact for troubleshooting assistance.

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