How to connect with SharePoint

This documentation describes how to set up your Layer2 Cloud Connector to synchronize data stored in Authorize.NET with a SharePoint online list in Office 365.

1. Configuring Authorize.NET

Go to and in Account/Settings open the API Credentials and Keys section.


AuthorizeNet credentials


Copy your API Login ID and generate a Transaction Key.


AuthorizeNet login id


Copy your generated transaction key.


AuthorizeNet Key

2. Configuring the Layer2 Cloud Connector

2.1. Creating a new connection

We are going so synchronize our Authorize.NET to a custom SharePoint list. This is a uni-directional (Left to right) only connection.

Create a new connection in the Layer2 Cloud Connector, name it and set the direction to Left to Right. 


Step 1 AuthorizeNet connection setup



2.2. Configuring the start system

Select the provider for Authorize.NET.

Select the source system and name it.


Step 2 AuthorizeNet integration source setup



Set the connection string with the parameters from your Authorize.NET account.



Step 2.5 AuthorizeNet integration connection string setup


Connection String:





And your admin password. If you are in the live environment, you do not need the UseSandbox parameter.


The Select statement:


SELECT * FROM CustomerProfileDetails WHERE CustomerProfileId=the_profile_id;


Set your primary key too. 

If everything runs fine, you will be prompted to login and your data will be visible after.


Preview data of AuthorizeNet integration.png


2.3. Configuring the end system

We are going to send the data to a custom SharePoint list. First create your list with the desired columns and then copy the URL.

For more information about the SharePoint provider visit:


Step 3 AuthorizeNet integration target setup


Connection string:




Enter your password in the dedicated field and a primary key.

If the fields from SharePoint are named identical to the fields from the source system, the auto-mapping function will work fine. We mapped our fields manually in this case.


Step 4 AuthorizeNet integration mapping


2.4. Running your connection

You can now run your connection.


Step 5 AuthorizeNet data integration start



Data overview on the Authorize.NET entity.



AuthorizeNet integration ready



And the transferred data to our custom SharePoint list.



Finisched AuthorizeNet integration

3. Hints and known issues

3.1. Data model

To see all the tables and views you can access with the Authorize.NET provider, use these queries in the Select statement:

SELECT * FROM sys_tables


SELECT * FROM sys_views


If there are more tables or views available, you can load them with the option "load more" in the popup window.

3.2. Connection direction

As far as tested, the connection direction can be set only to uni-directional (left to right). 

3.3. SELECT Statement and multiple queries

The Authorize.NET API has limitations. You cannot query customer profile details for all customers at once. You must first get the CustomerProfileId with the query:


SELECT * FROM CustomerProfiles;


To get the detailed information from a specific user in the query:


SELECT * FROM CustomerProfileDetails WHERE CustomerProfileId=the_id;


3.4. Batch operations

If you try to make multiple operations at the same time, you can get the error batch operations not allowed. Set the parameter Other=’BatchSize=1’ in your connection string to avoid this error. 


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