Layer2 Cloud Connector case studies

2500+ companies trust our Layer2 Cloud Connector to manage their business critical data and file migration, backup and integration. Learn more about their specific business cases and how they have solved it.


The Layer2 Cloud Connector helps ChemWerth to integrate the Microsoft Office 365 Cloud

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Client Profile

ChemWerth, Woodbridge, CT (US), is a full service generic drug development and supply company providing high quality Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients to regulated markets worldwide.

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Requirements & Solutions

Microsoft Office 365 needs to be integrated with local line-of-business applications, such as SAGE 300 ERP (AccPac). Solved with codeless data sync using the Layer2 Cloud Connector.


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Customer Benefits

User access to current backend data at any time, from anywhere, and with any device within the well-known Office environment. No touch integration lowers project risks, duration and costs. Increased end-user adoption of the new cloud.

The Layer2 Cloud Connector executed all of our SQL statements and loaded the returned data into SharePoint flawlessly every time. Period. If there was an error, it was our error and in that case, the connector appropriately logged the error with an intelligible message. The Cloud Connector’s interface is easy to understand and use. Anyone familiar with utilities in the Microsoft stack will be productive immediately. Our recommendation: The Layer2 Cloud Connector is a no brainer.
Barry Noble, SYNEV / ChemWerth

Vrije Technische Scholen integrates Microsoft Office 365 via Layer2

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Client Profile

The Vrije Technische Scholen (VTS) from Sint-Niklaas (Belgium) is an educational group and consists of three entities: BSO/TSO, BUSO and CLW. The core business of the group is providing education to more than 1.400 students that are coached by an educational staff of about 340 people. Some disciplines are STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), wood, construction, electricity, mechanics, electronics, welding, car mechanics, etc.

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Requirements & Solutions

Documents and data from several local sources like file servers, NAS or SQL databases need to be in sync with the Microsoft Cloud. Users need access to essential information to organize education: schedules, students lists, contact information, forms, reservations, inventories, and more. The Layer2 Cloud Connector solved the issue with data migration, backup, and synchronization.

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Customer Benefits

With Microsoft Office 365 the client can work more accurate and efficiently, providing end-users a better environment for collaboration and reduce costs. With the Layer2 Cloud Connector the client is able to combine the data of different resources like fileservers, databases, webservers, and similar. For the end-user it is important to have one single location in the cloud where he can find all the information he needs and this at any time, on any device, and any place.

With the Layer2 Cloud Connector we are able to provide all required information to the end-user in a clear and efficient way. The SharePoint documents are automatically created and based on the content of different resources. The Layer2 Cloud Connector syncs our data from different resources and databases to one single location in the cloud. All our SQL instructions were flawlessly executed by the Cloud Connector. The Cloud Connector has a clear interface that is easy to understand and to use. Our recommendation: The Layer2 Cloud Connector is the best software investment we have ever made.
Pascal Savels, Head of the IT department of Vrije Technische Scholen


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