How to connect a custom SharePoint list with external Microsoft Exchange data using the BDLC


The SharePoint Business Data List Connector is used to simply connect a SharePoint list with external LOB data, e.g. from databases, CRM or ERP systems.



SharePoint out-of-the-box can sync some data in Microsoft Exchange to some lists in SharePoint, e.g. events. Connecting a custom SharePoint list to Exchange or Outlook with the Business Data List Connector (BDLC) to pull data into this list is a more general approach. You have to provide a connection string, a select statement and primary key(s) - if any - to connect  a custom SharePoint list directly in the list settings dialog using the BDLC.


Please note, that the Microsoft OLEDB Provider for Exchange (ExOLEDB) has some known limitations:


ExOLEDB can only be run on a computer on which Exchange is running, and can only access databases and storage groups that are actually managed by that Exchange server. ExOLEDB can not be used on front-end Exchange servers or client computers.


To access Exchange data via Outlook with the Jet OLEDB provider you can use a connection string like this:


Provider = "Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Exchange 4.0" "MAPILEVEL=Mailbox - James Smith|; PROFILE=MS Exchange Settings;TABLETYPE=0;DATABASE=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\;"


Be sure to replace the mailbox name and the temp path (has nothing to do with the database) as required. You must keep vertical pipe character | to indicate top level of folders. Place sub-folders after vertical pipe if accessing specific folders.


You can use a select statement like this:


"Select * from Calendar" or "Select * from Contacts".


By the way you can connect using a personal Microsoft Office Outlook installation too, if required:


Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Outlook 9.0;" "MAPILEVEL=;DATABASE=C:\Temp\;"


Please take care, that the current SharePoint user or (in case of using a timer job for background updates) the process user has the appropiate access rights.

How to connect SharePoint and Exchange using a 3rd party gateway


With the SharePoint Business Data List Connector you can use a 3rd party middleware driver to link SharePoint lists to Exchange data.


Step 1: 3rd Party Exchange Gateway Driver Setup


Exchange SharePoint Connection Setup

Fig.: Enter your user configuration to access Exchange Server.



Step 2: Check connection string and query for Exchange Server data access



Fig.: Before using the connection string and the query in BDLC, you can test with the Query Analyzer.



3. Configure BDLC to sync Exchange with a SharePoint list



Fig.: Copy the pre-tested connection string and query to the BDLC settings to connect  a list.



4. Manage your Microsoft Exchange data in a SharePoint list



Fig.: You can use the Exchange data in a SharePoint list without any restrictions. 



The inbox messages above are for example only. The conenction works in the same way for any Exchange-based contacts and SharePoint contact lists, Exchange-based tasks and SharePoint tasks list, Exchange-based appointments and SharePoint event lists (e.g. with calendar view) and any other types of lists. Simply try "select * from task", "select * from contact" etc.


You can use all list features like views, calculated fields, additional columns, attachements, offline, tagging, rating, RSS newsfeeds, change notifications per email or even workflows.


Please contact with your full business contact data to request the required middleware today. You can download the Business Data List Connector here.


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