Complete removal steps

In some cases it is necessery to wipe everything about the Layer2 Cloud Connector from your host machine. This guide goes into detail where remnants of the software can be found.



  • Find the C:\ProgramData\Layer2 Cloud Connector\ folder. Copy all the contents to another location on the hard drive as to save your configuration, then delete the original folder under Program Data.
  • Go to Programs and Features in the control panel. Uninstall any copies of the Cloud Connector present in the list.
  • Check to see if the folder C:\Program Files\Layer2 Cloud Connector exists – if so, delete it.
  • Check to see if the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Layer2 Cloud Connector exists – if so, delete it.
  • Go to






If there are any Layer2.* items in the list, right-click and uninstall them.


  • Search the C drive for any remaining items that mention “Layer2” and delete them - Excluding the saved configuration items moved in step 1 and the installer packages. Don’t delete those.
  • Open the following files in a text editor:






  • Look for the <DbProviderFactories> section in each file. Check in there for references to Layer2 Data providers, and delete all of the Layer2 ones.

Example – if you spotted ones like this that are “Layer2 Data Provider for X”, delete those and save the file.

<add name="Layer2 Data Provider for SharePoint (CSOM)" invariant="Layer2.SharePoint.Provider" description="Layer2 Data Provider for SharePoint (CSOM)" type="Layer2.SharePoint.Provider, Layer2.SharePoint.Provider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5aa2b7e0fd8b40f5"/>

<add name="Layer2 Data Provider for RSS Feeds" invariant="Layer2.Rss.Provider" description="Layer2 Data Provider for RSS Feeds" type="Layer2.Rss.Provider, Layer2.Rss.Provider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5aa2b7e0fd8b40f5"/>

<add name="Layer2 Data Provider for File System" invariant="Layer2.FileSystem.Provider" description="Layer2 Data Provider for File System" type="Layer2.FileSystem.Provider, Layer2.FileSystem.Provider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5aa2b7e0fd8b40f5"/>

<add name="Layer2 Data Provider for XML" invariant="Layer2.Xml.Provider" description="Layer2 Data Provider for XML" type="Layer2.Xml.Provider, Layer2.Xml.Provider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyTo...


  • Go into the windows registry:

Back up the whole registry before editing.


Look for both of these keys. If they exist, delete them.


  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MMC\SnapIns\FX:{854178d2-a7fa-482e-90ab-66712b9c65dd}
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\MMC\SnapIns\FX:{854178d2-a7fa-482e-90ab-66712b9c65dd}


  • Then look for ANY and ALL reference to Layer2 or Cloud Connector in the entire registry and also delete them. (Note there will be some entries marked “Player2” – not ours, don’t delete those. Only “Layer2” specifically)
  • Reboot the host machine.
  • Download and Install the latest Cloud Connector version as “Typical”.
  • Open the app and check that it starts up as expected. The connection list will be empty because we moved those.
  • Close the app.
  • Go to the backup of your configuration from the original C:\ProgramData\Layer2 Cloud Connector\ folder. Copy the backup versions of the sub-folders “Connections” and “Metabase” and paste them into the newly recreated C:\ProgramData\Layer2 Cloud Connector\ folder. You shouldn’t need to move anything else at this point.
  • Reopen the app and check if everything working as intended.



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