Release Notes of Layer2 Cloud Connector

The Layer2 Cloud Connector can be used to connect and sync various enterprise data sources codeless, on-premises and in the cloud, especially with Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365, Exchange and Dynamics CRM/ERP. Please find the release notes and version history for the Layer2 Cloud Connector here. You can subscribe to the RSS feed (works best with Firefox) to stay up-to-date in Firefox or NewsFlow. If you have questions or issues, please join the Layer2 Cloud Connector Community at LinkedIn or contact directly.

Release Notes - Layer2 Cloud Connector
V7.4.7 (11/2016)



  • For uni-directional synchronizations it is no longer checked whether a file has been changed during the sync as it will be overwritten anyway.
  • The new URL parameter id used by SharePoint Online to specify the current folder is now recognized correctly when interpreting the URL-setting of the Layer2 Data Provider for SharePoint.
  • When folders with invalid characters are synced to the file system, an explanatory warning is written to the log and the item is skipped.
  • When folders or files that exceed the allowed length restrictions are synced to the file system, an explanatory warning is written to the log and the item is skipped.
  • The detection of external changes during a synchronisation no longer includes deleted files.
  • A file which has already been uploaded successfully, will no longer be zipped, even if an error ocurres during upload.
  • When the synchronisation direction has been changed (for example from left-to-right to bi-directional) and this change has been discarded, the "Disabled Operations" controls where not displayed correctly.
  • Custom query parameters were not always passed on to an OData service.
  • SharePoint 2010 and 2013 do not allow folders ending with .com. This is now handled by the AutoRenaming feature.




  • For an initial uni-directional sync it's no longer required to set "Overwrite Destination" if the delete operation is disabled on the target entity because in this case nothing will be deleted anyway.
  • When reading files and folders from SharePoint, an error messsage is logged in case the auto-renaming of those files and folders leads to duplicate entries. The error message gives information about the elements that cause the issue.

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